A few years ago, my Mother-in-law mentioned that she’d really like a soft case for her glasses that also had a pocket for a pen, as invariably she was putting on her glasses to write something. I made her a couple for Christmas that year but now they are a bit grubby. It was her birthday a couple of weeks ago so I thought I’d make her some new ones. To start, I cut out all of the pieces. This comprised: Outer fabric: two pieces 18cm x 9cm and one 13cm x 9cm Lining fabric: two pieces 18cm x 9 cm and one 15cm x 9cm Stabiliser: two pieces 16cm x 7cm (I used Bosal single sided fusible) Using a 1cm seam allowance, I sewed the larger outer and lining fabrics together along one narrow end and then pressed open the seams. The pocket was also sewn together but this time with the lining fabric upside down. This seam was pressed towards the lining fabric then the lining...