Playing at Pyrography

You’ve probably worked out by now that when it comes to crafting, I like to have a bash at new things. Before Christmas, I’d been reading about pyrography and watched a few YouTube videos and thought it looked like something I would enjoy doing. I was lucky enough to receive a pyrography machine from Mr. L for Christmas, together with some sycamore plywood blanks to practice on and a book showing how to do various techniques and patterns. Off I went to play with my new toy with much enthusiasm. To start with, I tried some shading patterns and then writing letters. I then had the idea to stamp some of my card stamps onto the wood and burn over them, since I can’t draw for toffee! This was a very effective plan and so then, having built up my confidence, I decided to try my hand at drawing trees freestyle and put a setting sun behind. Oh yes, running before I can walk is one of my mottos! Anyhow, I decided a project was required rather tha...